Reviews 6
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NEW!! Oreo + Lotus biscoff- 1 MONTH SUPP...
These sachets are breastfeeding gold - they helped so much with my milk supply with my first baby (I had a major blood loss and a stay in intensive care) so I stocked up ahead of my second arriving and have topped my porridge with one every day since he was born. My milk has been great and I have a...
NEW!! Oreo + Lotus biscoff- 1 MONTH SUPP...
My baby has lost more than 10% of his body weight as my milk came in on day 6 (he was weighed on day 5). This led to me being trapped in the formula top up cycle. Then I came across boo.b’s smoothies and since I had the smoothies I have definitely noticed that my baby isn’t fussy at the breast and i...
NEW!! Oreo + Lotus biscoff- 1 MONTH SUPP...
My sister in law bought me some as a gift and noticed instantly how my breast milk changed for the better so I had to order some more as my boy is feeding a lot ! But he seems to be more satisfied when I have your smoothies thank you I can enjoy a warm cup of tea xxx